Restaurant review system
for trusted, reliable reviews & ratings

Receive customer feedback & ratings

Tableo’s Restaurant Review System offers restaurant owners and diners a trusted and reliable source for restaurant ratings and reviews.

With just a few clicks, your establishment can start receiving valuable feedback, allowing you to improve services and provide a better dining experience.

Manage your restaurant online bookings, respond to reviews, and access your reservation management all in one place.

Get restaurant reviews from actual diners

Tableo’s restaurant review system

Get restaurant reviews from actual diners

Configure the type of review you want to receive and set the criteria for the review. For example get feedback on food, service, ambiance and value for money.

Automatically send guests a request for review via email or SMS, the day after their visit.

View and manage your reviews from the Reviews section in the Tableo platform. You can choose to make these visible on your restaurant’s website at the click of a button.

Advantage of restaurant reviews

Restaurant Critics

Use reviews to identify areas where improvements are needed, such as the quality of the food, or efficiency of service.

Make changes based on customer feedback to improve overall dining experience and attract more customers.

Proactively respond to customer feedback, for your restaurant to build a positive reputation and strengthen your relationship with your customers.

Restaurant Review
Top Restaurant

Quick & easy for the
customer too

Top Restaurant

By clicking on “Leave a Review” in the email or SMS received, guests can leave a 1 to 5 star rating on the various criteria such as food quality, price and so on.

Customers can also write a brief description of their experience to be added to the review.

Publish reviews to help potential diners make informed decisions about your restaurant prior to their visit.

One place to manage Google, Facebook & Tableo reviews

Reviews in one place with Tableo

Connect your Google and Facebook accounts seamlessly on Tableo, simplifying review management for restaurants. 

Receive real-time notifications for all or negative reviews, with customizable frequency options. 

Streamline responses using templates for efficient customer engagement. Maintain a positive online reputation without juggling between platforms.

Reviews in one place with Tableo
Listings Hub with Tableo

Not only reviews – One place to manage Listings too

Listings Hub with Tableo

Tableo offers a unified platform for restaurant owners to easily update opening hours, service details, and images. 

Through its backend, Tableo consolidates essential information, automatically syncing changes across Facebook, Google Business Profile, and Bing. 

Efficient updates ensure accurate and current information, enhancing the customer experience and building trust, satisfaction, and loyalty.

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Get started with Tableo

The restaurant reservation & management system that’s easy to use and setup.

A dedicated account manager will help you along the way.

Get Tableo for FREE!