What’s in pouring a drink? Plenty! As the famous James Bond quote goes … “Martinis should be shaken, not stirred!”

Training staff members at serving drinks with finesse is crucial to differentiate yourself from competitors and to improve the overall dining experience for patrons. This post will examine the most effective practices for teaching your team to serve drinks like a pro. We will cover everything, from selecting appropriate glasses to becoming an expert at mixing drinks. So let’s cheers and get started!

Presentation and glassware selection

Restaurant Glassware

Customers’ perceptions of drinks are significantly influenced by the choice of glassware. Educate your workers on the various varieties of glassware and how to use each one properly. Among them are beer mugs, wine glasses, cocktail glasses, and more. Give them examples and explanations with visuals to help them comprehend the significance of using the appropriate glass for each beverage.

To maintain cleanliness and presentation, teach your staff members how to handle glassware properly. To avoid fingerprints on the drinking surface, hold glasses by the stem or base.

Stress the value of keeping glassware spotless and polished. To keep glasses shining and ready for service, teach staff members how to properly wash, dry, and store them.

Mixology and the creation of cocktails

Customers frequently choose cocktails, therefore understanding the art of making them is essential. Think about the following suggestions:

  • Make sure your staff members are knowledgeable about cocktail recipes and the exact ingredients they call for. Give them a thorough guide or book of cocktail recipes that they can refer to when making drinks.

  • Shaking, stirring, muddling, and layering are a few examples of basic mixology methods that you should teach your personnel. Provide opportunity for hands-on experience while demonstrating each method.

  • Show your staff members how to properly garnish drinks to improve their aesthetic appeal. This includes methods like applying salt or sugar to rim glasses, adding garnishes like fruit slices or herbs, and adding ornamental elements like cocktail umbrellas or swizzle sticks.

Service and pairing of wines

Wine is an important part of eating, and good wine service and pairing can elevate a meal. Think about the following suggestions:

Wine Pairing Restaurant
  • Educate your personnel thoroughly about the many styles of wine, including their varietals, growing locations, and flavour profiles. They will then be able to advise clients with knowledge.

  • Show them how to serve wine properly, including how to open a bottle, pour wine without spilling, and deliver the bottle to the client for approval.

  • To improve the dining experience, arm your employees with expertise in food and wine combinations. Give them a list of wine suggestions that take into account the flavours and characteristics of the wine and the various menu items.

Engagement with customers and upselling

In the restaurant company, providing excellent customer service is crucial, and teaching your staff to interact with clients and suggest additional drink options may have a big influence on your bottom line. Think about the following suggestions:

  • Product knowledge: Make sure that everyone on your crew is educated on the beverages served in your establishment, including specialty drinks, distinctive cocktails, and unique selections. They will be able to offer clients precise descriptions and suggestions as a result.

  • Active listening: Teach your employees to pay attention to customer preferences and tailor drink recommendations to suit their individual interests. Encourage them to engage in talks about beverages and ask open-ended questions to learn more.

  • Upselling techniques: Without being demanding or aggressive, teach your staff members effective upselling strategies. To improve the customer’s experience, encourage them to highlight premium drink selections, make pairing suggestions, or provide tasters.

Keep a note of customer preferences

Running a successful restaurant requires that you train your personnel in the skill of pouring drinks deftly. However in order to improve the general client experience, think about adopting a restaurant management system with an inbuilt guest database. This way you can keep a note of your clients’ likes and dislikes, including their favourite tipples. Tableo brings up client details automatically at the time of booking. Surprise your guest with their favourite drink, served just the way they like it, upon their next visit. How’s that for customer service!

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Author Profile
Freelance copywriter at Tableo

Hanna Yerega is a freelance copywriter and a powerhouse on social media, where she combines her knack for compelling writing with a masterful grasp of digital platforms. Known for her exceptional organisation skills, she handles multiple projects with unparalleled precision. Hanna is deeply passionate about not-for-profit initiatives, using her talents to amplify their messages and drive meaningful engagement.