An effective email marketing strategy can do wonders for restaurants. From helping to re-engage your customers, to driving repeat business and boosting sales – there’s very little not to like about this marketing tool. Indeed, with a strong email strategy you can even control the timing of your campaign, as well as carefully personalise your promotional messages. However, there’s a catch.

Unfortunately, a beautifully crafted email alone won’t go far. Unlike social media ads where your messages reach your targeted segment directly through the chosen platform, email campaigns entirely rely on your own contact list. So if you are, too, scrapping for the customer details and questioning the limited success of your email campaigns – it might be time to address the elephant in the room. Here are 6 foul-proof tips that are guaranteed to expand your audience and ensure that your next email campaign is nothing short of a hit!

1. Time for incentives!

Growing your restaurant's email list

Gone are the days of mindlessly sharing your personal data. As people become more tech savvy, and a lot more weary of spam in their inbox, they are also a lot more cautious about who and why they share their personal details with.

That’s why, it’s important to offer irresistible incentives to make sure that your customers are enticed into signing up, before any doubts can even kick in. Start by implementing personalised vouchers, loyalty program benefits, or run timed contests and giveaways to give a sense of urgency and add an extra incentive to join your email list.

2. Leverage online reservation system

No need to leave the email address collection up to chance, if you are already using or currently considering an online reservation system. One of the simplest, yet most effective ways of building up your email marketing list is by having your customers provide their emails when making a reservation.

For extra brownie points, take a minute to review their additional data, preferences and dietary restrictions to help you segment your audience further and create personalised and targeted campaigns that will certainly drive your ROI through the roof.

3. Promote your email list through other channels

Don’t shy away from using your website and existing social media accounts to promote your restaurant promotions, exclusive member offers and key updates that can be delivered straight to their inbox.

Develop a dedicated landing page on your restaurant website to explore the benefits of joining your email list, as well as embed permanent sign-up forms or temporary pop-ups on relevant pages to intensify the impact. You can also run a dedicated ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram to draw in additional attention, and lure in even first comers directly to your email list.

4. Nudge diners during their online order

Tap into your eat-from-home customer base, who prefer online delivery and take-out by including a QR-core on your packaging or design to take them directly to the email sign up form! You can also opt for a dedicated leaflet to accompany their order. This is also a great way to segment the customers and provide exciting new updates on the refreshed delivery menu and special new bundles to enjoy their favourites from the comfort of their home.

5. Engage with your diners

Engage with guests about email list

Whilst the digital tools will certainly help on your mission, don’t forget just how powerful more traditional off-screen marketing strategies can be too. Place table tents and flyers across the tables at your restaurant to gauge the visitors attention, and encourage additional sign ups on your list. You can also make most of the subtle receipt promotions by including your QR code or link for customers to sign up at the end of their visit. Last but not least, do take time to train your staff to further prompt visitors to sign up – a little goes a long way.

6. Bring in the crowd with special events

Bring in email subscribers with special events

Host special events and workshops can also be an effective strategy to draw in new customers and build in your email list. From wine tastings to chef’s table experiences, or even themed dinner parties, these events can require sign-ups to participate and help you expand your contact list in just one go. To go a step further, you can always partner with local businesses and restaurant influencers to attract new audiences too.

Start now – no strings attached!

Seems simple, doesn’t it? And yet, we are here to make it even easier!

With Tableo you can quickly make email marketing the centrepiece of your promotional strategy…and even better news – at absolutely no cost. Download Tableo’s free version and start setting up reservations using the top-notch reservation system to collect details of your customers straight away. No need to wait for any redesigns, printing, or website updates to get started; your marketing success is just a few clicks away.

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Author Profile
Freelance copywriter at Tableo

Hanna Yerega is a freelance copywriter and a powerhouse on social media, where she combines her knack for compelling writing with a masterful grasp of digital platforms. Known for her exceptional organisation skills, she handles multiple projects with unparalleled precision. Hanna is deeply passionate about not-for-profit initiatives, using her talents to amplify their messages and drive meaningful engagement.