Do you know how many of your customers are first time visitors versus regulars? Perhaps you’ve just run an online advertising campaign on Facebook, or recently added a “Reserve a Table” button on your Google Business Profile. Surely this has brought you new business… but can you quantify it?

New “First Time Bookings” report

First time bookings report - Tableo

New in Tableo is a report that shows the number of “First Time Bookings” for any date range. You can find this under Reports > Bookings Report. The report generates:

  • Total bookings generated

  • Bookings by channel

  • First time bookings – NEW

Reminding customers to pay-up

Payment Reminders - Tableo

We get it, sometimes customers get side tracked and bookings requiring payment remain pending. We’ve made a couple of additions, to urge customers to pay-up:

1. For restaurants with SMS enabled, it’s now possible to resend payment links for tentative bookings via SMS in addition to email.

2. The tentative/awaiting payment email now includes a note informing guests that their booking will expire in a stipulated time.

Widget support in multiple languages

Not just English! The Tableo widget and website is now available in five international languages, including Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian and Czech.

Arrived in service

When a booking is set to “Arrived”, the booking is stored in its own section at the bottom of the Guest List, making it easier for service personnel to manage bookings.

Other features and improvements

  • It is now possible to cancel a waiting list booking

  • For ease of use, when entering the contact number on mobile or tablet devices, the keyboard is now changed to a numerical keyboard instead of qwerty.

Visit the changelog to for the full list of added features and improvements.

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